Act Fast: The Importance of Emergency Roof and Gutter Repair

Act Fast: The Importance of Emergency Roof and Gutter Repair

Emergency Gutter & Roof Repair

Time is of the essence when a storm or other adverse weather event blows through your neighborhood, causing damage to your home, roof, or gutter system. Unfortunately, many residential homeowners or commercial building owners may not fully understand the cruciality or necessity of emergency roof repair. They may not act quickly or take any measure whatsoever if they perceive that the damage caused is not “that bad.”

Although it may seem difficult to believe that many home or business owners do not take immediate action to redress the damage caused by a storm, more fail to move promptly than one might imagine. When this happens, these homeowners or business owners could jeopardize certain rights through insurance or warranty coverage. Don’t be caught off-guard. Be prompt. Exercise diligence.

House with storm damage

7 Benefits Of Emergency Roof Repair

The advantages of taking swift action following an adverse event far outweigh any reason for delay. In fact, no sound or justifiable reason exists for a homeowner or commercial business owner to inexplicably put off this critically important and necessary step, including involving a reputable roofing contractor in the recovery phase after an emergency arises.

If you know what you’re doing, securing a trusted roofing company to perform an initial inspection immediately following a crisis is vital. A professional assessment of the situation allows you to understand the stakes. It also enables you to make an informed decision as to which steps to take next and which steps to avoid. Should you file an insurance claim? Should you seek recovery through your roof warranty coverage? The roof inspector will guide you.

Storm damage to roof & gutter by fallen tree

Following a storm where visible signs of damage exist on your property, you do not want to risk crawling up on the roof yourself to assess the situation. Every party, including your insurance provider and roofing manufacturer, would discourage you from taking this measure. However, you aren’t barred from obtaining a professional roofing company to enter your roof. In fact, it is their job to access areas that homeowners and property managers should not.

Your local municipality provides particular regulatory guidelines and requirements for the habitability of your building or structure during and following an emergency. You do not know why you would have to relocate from the damaged home or commercial property temporarily. Furthermore, you may violate the building code or other local ordinances and incur fines or penalties if you fail to take reasonable steps to remedy the situation after storm damage.

Life is busy. If you have a family, you understand that disruptions, even minor ones, to your daily routine can wreak havoc on every area of your life. Similarly, businesses suffer loss of income or other adverse effects when they incur situations resulting in a loss of productivity. A damaged roof can limit the habitability of a home or force temporary relocation or shutdown of a business. Avoid this negative outcome. Prompt emergency roof repairs reduce or eliminate downtime from your personal life and business operations.

Your home, business, or property insurance provider has a vested interest in the care and upkeep of your building or structure, not to mention the assets and other belongings within the walls of these establishments. If you fail to take reasonable steps to mitigate additional damage to your property by not performing emergency roof repairs, your insurance company could consider you liable or negligent in your responsibilities. Don’t risk that possible conclusion. Demonstrate your due diligence by involving a roofing contractor.

The development of mold or mildew does not take weeks or months. On the contrary, it only requires a few hours of moisture collecting in a damp, stale environment for the initial stages of mold or mildew to form. Once mold or mildew exists, they can cause health risks to building occupants, including respiratory issues and other adverse effects on the immune system. Remediating mold or mildew is extremely difficult to facilitate and can require intense amounts of time and financial resources. Don’t take this chance.

A damaged roof is an open invitation to outside elements (in particular water or moisture) to impede interior spaces. Your most precious and, in many cases, irreplaceable belongings, inventory, equipment, assets, and other personal or business property exist within the walls and under the roof of your home or building. Don’t chance further damage to the items that mean the most to you, your family, or your business. Immediately take steps to minimize or eliminate catastrophic loss beyond restoration with effective mitigation measures.

Finding An Emergency Storm Damage Roofing Company

Blue tarps on a home after storm damage

After an emergency sweeps through your area, resulting in substantial damage to your home or business, including the roofing system, you may be in a state of shock from the gravity of the situation. Don’t be alarmed. StormForce Roofing provides prompt, responsive, and compassionate roofing services in your greatest hour of need. 

If you reside or work in Southwest Florida or the Greater Jacksonville, FL, area, make us your first call following a severe storm. To learn more about our exceptional roofing services, including emergency roof and gutter repair, or if you need to schedule an emergency appointment in the wake of a damaging weather event, contact us today.